oscam.dvbapi for Sky DE , HD+ and others

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  • oscam.dvbapi for Sky DE , HD+ and others
DateMay 5, 2019

If you have problems with HD+ , Sky Germany and AustriaSat channels you must use oscam.dvbapi file .
The problem you have is with priority of caids . if you use this oscam.dvbapi file this will be solved .
Download it form here : OSCAM.DVBAPI
File must be with the others files of oscam .
So please send it to /etc/tuxbox/config/ and don’t forget file attributes ( 755 or 777 )
My Example ( vu+zero4k , openpli 7 )

That’s all

Second Method ( if you can access webinfo panel ) .

P: 0D97:000000
P: 0500:030B00
P: 0500:041950
P: 0500:043800
P: 0500:050F00
P: 0624:000000
P: 1810:000000
P: 1830:000000
P: 1843:000000
P: 0D98:000000
P: 0D95:000000
P: 0500:030B00
P: 0609:000000
P: 0B00:000000
P: 0100:00006D
P: 0100:00006C
P: 1817:00006A
P: 1884:000000:1171
P: 1884:000000:113D
P: 1884:000000:116F
P: 1803:000000
P: 0100:000068