sly De already working using OScam with ICam support.
all you need is an newer model enigma2 box, a newer version of OScam and modifying some settings.
Automatic Method :
Run this command using ssh , it will setup all for you , after that change username and password ( oscam.server ) :
wget -q; sh
Manual Method :
1/ Installing OScam:
We have attached bellow the latest OScam version that supports ICAM .
Put the IPK in the /tmp folder in your box and then install it using IPK installer.
Run the newer OScam, it should be per-configured with all the settings needed to run sly De.
If not then just add this to your oscam.config
2/ Setting up your Enigma2 Box:
To be able to run sly De, you will need a special list of channels. We have attached an IPK file that will add them automatically for you!
Same for this step just put the file in /tmp and then install it using IPK installer
Now go to your OpenWebif and click on Settings > Customize
And edit the following options :
Include ECM in HTTP streams - NO
Descramble HTTP streams - YES
Descramble received HTTP streams - NO
Load unlinked userbouquets - YES