CCcam.prio and oscam.dvbapi updates for our costumers .
updates are for : Sky Germany , HD+ , ORF , TNTSAT , UPC Direct and other packages
Download CCcam.prio and oscam.dvbapi from here :
What is a prio file?
Prio is the short for of “Priority” . A prio file has specific configs telling your receiver ( box ) to focus on which cards, caids and providers.
For instance on a package like HD+ There are many cards, 098C,1830 and 1843 . 1830 and 1843 are the best caid out there for HD+ So its best to focus the box on 1830 then 1843 .
Another example is UPC Direct , which has many cards 1815 , 0D97 and others . Our channels of this package are best on caid 0D97 and very bad on caid 1815. So we focus this package on 0D97 .
Anyways, proper config is done to our prio file and you can open it using a Notepad to see it`s content.
We will keep doing update our prio file from time to time. So keep visiting this page and pay attention to the release dates .